
Use of graphene nanoplatelets to enhance chemical resistance

Graphene's high aspect ratio and high surface area make the material a prime candidate for use in multi-functional barrier coating systems with the potential to replace or enhance existing materials. AGM have previously demonstrated graphene's ability to enhance the corrosion resistance of protective coatings through tortuosity and now look to apply this to chemical resistance. Comparing applied coatings in a range of corrosive media and solvent for extended periods of time (up to 28 days) with increasing loadings of graphene types against glass flake material. Work herein shows that graphene does indeed offer benefits over traditional glass flake materials in many chemical media. Further to this, AGM has blended graphene with glass flake to create hybridised technology that exploits the benefits of both graphene and glass flake materials, combining glass flake hardness with graphene's retention, resulting in coatings with improved performance and extended lifetime of applied coatings, leading to the potential for decreased maintenance cycles and increased sustainability.
Duration: 23:07
Speaker: Adam Bell
Company: Applied Graphene Materials
Conference: ECS Conference 2023
Date: 26.01.2023