
Optimization of paints & inks production processes with the combination of the inline-disperser EPSILON and the new agitated media mills Discus and NEOS

For Global Paint & Ink producers it is a common target to achieve a constant high product quality - taking into consideration that production sites are spread globally. This target is sometimes challenging since raw material quality differs from region to region - at the same time processing equipment and process design often differs from production site to production site. As a trend paint & ink producers are using smaller grinding media within the grinding step in order to improve ink quality such as color strength, transparency and gloss. Furthermore the use of smaller grinding media often reduces milling time and saves pigments - the latter being the major cost factor within the ink production. When using smaller grinding media it is essential to guarantee an efficient pre mixing of the mill base in order to achieve a smooth milling step without any high pressure or even clogging of the mill. For the pre mixing step Netzsch offers the Inline-Disperser Epsilon. The Epsilon is designed with a rotor that provides strong vacuum, high flow rates and a decent shearing of the slurry. Furthermore the Epsilon is equipped with a powder intake. The Epsilon rotor that is equipped with spiral wound racks provides an efficient wetting of the premix. Due to the powder intake by the Epsilon there will no dry pigment that sticks to the inner wall of the mixing tank - which makes it easy to clean. Since the gaps within the Epsilon process chamber are slightly larger compared to a standard rotor stator system the Epsilon undergoes only little wear and tear - the pre-mix quality is always on the same high quality level. For the fine grinding step Netzsch offers the new agitated media mills Discus and Neos: · The new pin type mill "Neos" is designed for running with small grinding media in recirculation mode at highest flow rates. The ceramic made mill chamber provides low product temperatures and a long machine life time. · The new disc type mill "Discus" is designed for preferable single pass operation. The new intensive rotor provides a high milling efficiency and a high flow stability. The Discus is equipped with a ceramic liner - same like the Neos - that provides low product temperatures and a long machine life time. The presentation describes the process concept based on Epsilon and Discus/Neos and also explains the design of the single components.
Duration: 27:37
Speaker: Alex Lauke
Company: Netzsch-Feinmahltechnik
Conference: EC Technology forum Optimizing
Location: Berlin
Date: 14.10.2019