
Next generation liquid polybutadiene polymer in solvent based coatings applications

The coatings industry faces many challenges to meet new regulations regarding volatile organic compound content (VOC) addressing the need for product compliance whilst also delivering equivalent performance properties. Industries are continually searching for new coating systems that contain less organic solvents and a variety of approaches may be used to achieve this. A common approach utilised by the coatings formulator is to increase solids content of solvent based system. The resulting effect however is typically an increase in product viscosity which may lead to difficulty during the application stage. In this paper, we will demonstrate the benefits delivered through incorporation of a newly developed liquid polybutadiene grade. Results demonstrate how the next generation liquid polybutadiene delivers improved compatibility within the resin system enabling greater ability to adjust the formulation. Our study also shows that it is possible to lower viscosity whilst simultaneously enhancing the coatings performance properties. Data summarising the benefits in a solvent-based alkyd coating when compared to other commercially available liquid polybutadiene grades will be covered.
Duration: 24:02
Speaker: Anne-Sophie Hesry
Company: Synthomer
Conference: European Coatings Show Conference
Session: Novel materials
Location: Nürnberg
Date: 04.04.2017