
New water-borne polymeric dispersants for industrial coatings

The use of an adequate dispersant is necessary to achieve good stability and color properties for dispersed pigments in waterborne paint systems. Electrostatic repulsive and steric hindrance forces can be achieved by combining with Polyelectrolyte dispersants and traditional non-ionic surfactants. Improved stability and behavior can be achieved with the new high molecular weight dispersants discussed in this paper. It is shown that the new polymeric dispersants are suitable for low VOC-free and APE free pigment dispersions for industrial and Ink applications. Compared to traditional polymeric types the properties are enhanced: they provide excellent color strength development, high pigment loading at low viscosity, improved stability and high gloss development.
Duration: 15:53
Speaker: Carlos Feito
Company: Elementis
Conference: ECS Conference 2019
Session: Dispersing technology
Location: Nürnberg
Date: 18.03.2019