
More efficiency for foul-release marine coatings

Currently foul-release coatings (FRC) for marine applications are equipped with cuprous oxides. By leaching these anorganic toxic salts will protect ship hulls against growing of biofilm and aquatic organisms. A biofilm on the outside of shiphulls leads to more friction and higher energy consumption of ship movement. A new developed technology based on special modified silica particles helps to enlarge the durability of these foul-release coatings by more efficient usage of cuprous oxides over a longer timeframe. In addition the life-time cycle of these foul-release coatings can be prolonged and the often used underwater scrapping for excavation the biofilm/aquatic organism like mussels in harbors can be reduced to a minimum. Thus can be shown with results based on marine exposure in various areas of the oceans.
Duration: 22:28
Speaker: Julia Foth
Company: Evonik
Conference: European Coatings Show Conference 2021 virtual
Session: Functional and smart coatings
Date: 13.09.2021