
Effective low VOC epoxy solution in practice - a case study from hypothesis to practice to field study

Within the chemical and petrochemical industries, solvent-borne epoxy primers and mid coats act as the initial barrier against corrosion due to their ease of application and proven track record of excellent protection. Increasing demand to control emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), has led the industry to move to lower VOC solutions. While high solids, Low VOC epoxy solutions are the leading incumbent, they typically have undesired characteristics including high viscosity, poor sprayability and reduced corrosion resistance, resulting in slower adoption of Low VOC solutions by contractors and asset owners. In this paper we will share the key learning's of successful progression of a novel low VOC, low viscosity epoxy from hypothetical performance to field application.
Duration: 21:04
Speaker: Dr. Christian Piechocki
Company: Olin Corporation
Conference: European Coatings Show Conference 2017 (ECS Conference)
Session: Session 22: Protective coatings II
Location: Nürnberg
Date: 04.04.2017