
Biobased building blocks and polymers in the coatings world

Bio-based material are used for a broad range of materials and chemicals and also are existing in coats and paintings. Several plant oils are used as feedstocks, partly already since decades, and also several bio-based building blocks and poymers play a role in this area. In the paint's industry the awareness for bio-based materials as a part of a sustainable development are discussed more and more in the last years and in future they really might be an option for larger scale. The presentation of the nova-Institut will give insights in the state of the art of bio-based materials used in the chemical and polymer industry based on the latest market reports from 2017 and will also show examples from the use in paints and coatings. It will present the role of paints and coatings in the oleochemistry and polymer production, the bio-based feedstocks used and their effect on sustainability and the option that are available. Additionally it will try to give insights to a possible sustainable future for bio-based materials for the paints' industry.
Duration: 42:35
Speaker: Achim Raschka
Company: Nova -Institut Germany
Conference: European Coatings Technology Forum
Location: Berlin
Date: 27.09.2017