
ADH free water based binder for lazure coatings - EU ecolabel compliant

The European Union as well member countries has introduced awards such as EU Ecolabel to enhance the use of products that have a reduced environmental impact. Paints and varnishes represent one of the top categories for which rewards were assigned. Therefore any supplier of chemicals into the coatings market has to ensure that low environmental impact materials are used. Adipic acid dihydrazide (ADH) is a widely used cross-linker in acrylic emulsions. The CLP classification of ADH has recently been revised as toxic to aquatic life. Nevertheless the use of ADH in acrylic emulsion/dispersion has been derogated to a maximum level of 1,0% w/w. The reason given is that equally efficient and effective alternatives are not yet available on the market. EPS has developed a unique solution that shows the same block resistance and other properties as standard binders containing ADH.
Duration: 17:12
Speaker: Mr. Massimo Longoni
Company: EPS
Conference: European Coatings Show Conference 2017 (ECS Conference)
Session: Session 4: Water-borne coatings
Location: Nürnberg
Date: 03.04.2017