European Coatings Journal - 17.02.2022 | PRODUCT OVERVIEW

"The first polyurethanes were made in 1937 by Otto Bayer et al."

An in-depth exploration of polyurethanes - from their historical development to the priciples of their propertydefining chemical structure and the special features of their use as binders in diverse applications. Meier-Westhues, Danielmeier, Kruppa, Squiller, 445 pages, 2019, 2nd revised Edition, ISBN: 978-3-86630-782-7 The article presents research results of protective coating, which is a two-component composition based on polyurethane, developed in Bauman Moscow State Technical University, in operating conditions. The influence of sea water and negative temperature on the properties of carbon fiber reinforced plastic with protective coatings, as well ...
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