European Coatings Journal - 15.03.2018 | Bernd DaehneBurkard WatermannConstanze FürleDr BrillDr Steinmann | FOUL-RELEASE COATINGS


By Bernd Daehne, Burkard Watermann and Constanze Fürle, Dr Brill + Dr Steinmann Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie. Fouling is sufficiently known as a great problem for ships causing a decrease of service speed and manoeuvrability and an increase in fuel consumption and bio-corrosion (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute 1952). On these grounds the need for an effective antifouling coating for ships in marine waters is undisputed. But the market for antifouling coatings has been evolving for many years as a result of emerging legal restrictions. These include the ...
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