Coatings Formulation
The Mission: A single book covering the practical and scientific basics
underpinning the strategic formulation of modern paint and coatings
systems - from physicochemical concepts to the recipes themselves.
This book explains and elaborates in some depth on the key principles
of coatings formulation. Indispens-able for formulators.
The Audience: Trainees, students and newcomers to the profession who
are seeking to acquire a solid grounding in coatings formulation, along
with experienced formulators wishing to deepen, extend or refresh their
knowledge. A knowledge of chemistry and basic knowledge of binders,
pigments and additives are required.
The Value: Coatings formulation explained step by step. The book opens
with a look at the composition of coatings, placing special emphasis on
the base binder in each type. Advice on specific formulations is then
given before formulation guidelines are analysed. Throughout, the focus
is on coatings formulation and how to arrive at the final recipe. A special
feature of the book is its detailed index, which allows the reader to conduct
targeted searches for specific aspects of coatings formulation.
Year of publication